(By Senators Kirkendoll, Yost, Plymale, Stollings, Beach, Prezioso, Williams, Gaunch, Romano
and Unger)

[Introduced January 27, 2016.]


Designating January 31, 2016, as a Day of Prayer for the Coalfields.

Whereas, Divine Providence has made the State of West Virginia rich in coal with approximately 51 billion tons of recoverable reserves ready to be mined; and

Whereas, For more than a century, West Virginia coal has helped fuel America’s expansion westward, supported the industrial revolution and powered our nation’s way to victory in two World Wars; and

Whereas, The State of West Virginia depends on coal as the foundation of its economy; and

Whereas, The coal industry has historically provided more than 25,000 direct mining jobs, paid more than $3.4 billion in wages and generated more than $26 billion in total economic activity statewide annually; and

Whereas, The coal industry and its support functions provide a high percentage of the good paying, full-time jobs in this state; and

Whereas, The coalfields of West Virginia are experiencing a significant economic downturn as a direct result of the policy decisions of the Obama Administration as administered through its regulatory agencies; and

Whereas, The regulatory actions of the Obama Administration have already shut down hundreds of our coal mines, coal processing and coal loading facilities and coal-fired power plants here in the state; and

Whereas, The economic downturn has resulted in massive unemployment, economic hardship and poverty across a large part of our state; and

Whereas, Unemployment across the coalfields far exceeds 10 percent in many of our coal-producing counties; and

Whereas, This economic hardship has inordinately affected the poor, the elderly and children; and

Whereas, This economic hardship has created despair and fostered widespread drug and alcohol addiction; and

Whereas, Our faith teaches us that God answers the prayers of His people; and

Whereas, West Virginians have deep and abiding faith in an Almighty God; therefore, be it

Resolved by the Senate:

That the Senate hereby designates January 31, 2016, as a Day of Prayer for the Coalfields; and, be it

Further Resolved, That the Clerk is hereby directed to forward a copy of this resolution to the organizers of a Day of Prayer for the Coalfields.